This is business-wrangling for awesome humans.

Make the most of what you have without breaking your boundaries.

Start the conversation

Where are you today?

  • Overflowing to-do lists getting you down?
  • Clients not getting what 'I'm not working at the weekend' means?
  • Got a killer idea for a new service but nagging doubts are holding you back?
  • Spending all your hours on delivery and not enough ‘in’ your business?

You're not alone. It’s time to make a change.

Real life.

Working for yourself is a lonely old business especailly since your plate is full of LIFE; as a parent, a carer, or even a regulation adult who has responsibilities! When you’re trying to move yourself and your business forward with new ideas and more clients it’s all too easy to get stuck in your own head.

You need help (and it’s OK to ask for it).

You started this business for yourself but it doesn’t mean you have to do it all by yourself. You know (I hope) that there is no ‘one size’ method to finding success in your business and this is exactly why you’re here.

Working together you and I look at:

  • Growing a confident, resilient you
  • Building a focused foundation for you and your business, and
  • Developing deep-down trust in yourself.

These things might show up as:

  • Working four days-a-week, every week,
  • A steadier stream of clients, or
  • Changing direction entirely!

Whatever it mean for you, you are going to find the right path to your kind of success. Get ready for more focus, a clearer outlook, and the confidence to show up as YOU 24/7.

Hi, I'm Tom.

I work with awesome self-employed humans just like you; helping you focus on what matters and do more of what you love, every damn day without breaking through your boundaries.

After over a decade in the design industry I have built my business around the complex needs of my family so understand first-hand quite how real the challenges can be. And however these challenges show up for you? We’re going to tackle them together.

I provide the space and support you need to find clarity in your ideas, own the actions you want to take, and move forward confidently; knowing that you have someone in your corner with whom you can work through the stickiest parts of the problems.

Three things you need to know:

  • I listen more than I talk
  • I ask big questions
  • I get a right ol’ kick out of seeing other succeed

I am your talking partner, thinking partner, and creative collaborator but I am not here to tell you what to do. I'll help navigate; YOU are in the driving seat.

Image of Tom Jepson, coach for creative freelancers

Here's where we begin.

1:1 Coaching

Get to business in a space made just for you.

Starting at £395 you have access to me as a coach, guide, and champion to help you unpick the challenges you’re facing and design actions that will really get you moving.

Learn more about 1:1

Mastermind Groups

A creative powerhouse for you and your peers!

Tapping into the power of the group you’ll have the space to explore ideas and gain the support of others when it comes to developing yourself and your business.

A mailer for awesome humans

Weekly newsletters & podcasts

Join 100+ subscribers and get creative content, coaching moments, an encyclopaedia of concepts to keep you inspired and motivated every Monday morning.

Get motivated!