"I want to work every hour of the day!" said no freelancer ever.
It's pretty funny to see that written down but it's the truth. We never set out to work every hour that we're gifted, least of all after we stepped away from a 9-to-5 grind which ate up so much of our time and energy.
It can be enticing to go with the flow and see where the wind takes you when working for yourself. Gut feel can take us the right way but without some care and attention to what matters, we can roll far down a path and end up in a bind.
Why? We forget our priorities.
As you're reading this what do you see as your priorities right now?
Your creative work? Working as a freelancer was a draw because it allowed you to flex your creative muscle in a way that shines a light on what you're really about. Maybe it's your family or some other interpersonal responsibilities you've got on your plate. For me, 'family first' is the driver; before I am a coach and a designer I am a husband, father, and carer.
How about your wellbeing? There was something about the 9-5 grind that didn't gel with your way of thinking. You stepped out of it and feel better for doing so.
Whichever way you slice it everything you prioritise is personal. It means something to you.
Looking after these personal items is so important; making your time your own to ensure your crucial commitments are met above all else; defining a boundary or three and making it oh-so-clear when, where and how you work.
We can easily let this stuff go, however. It could be unconscious backsliding or maybe a deliberate shift into other tasks. But what's damage is that doing?
We start to lack. Our time is suddenly no longer our own and our energy? A tumbleweed might as well exist where that once lived. Worst of all is that our motivation slips away; we don't want to make our situation better because we're so far down in it. We end up being pulled from pillar to post; mentally, emotionally, maybe even physically.
All of this adds up to a very savoury situation which can arguably be avoided.
When it comes to stepping into your vision of success and making it a reality, it's critical that you acknowledge your priorities. There'll be some big stuff; there'll probably be things which feel like silly and inconsequential. But they ARE still your priorities.
You're setting up as a freelancer to design the career that works for YOU, not the other way around. Nobody is here to dictate what matters; only you can say. Make time for making time. Put your progress in pole position. Set yourself up for success, one priority at a time.
If this makes some kind of sense to you and you would like to have a chat about how you're putting your priorities first, drop me a line and let's talk.